BCH LogoBitcoin Cash BCH

Current Price

$ 381.65

24 hour change: 2.68%

24 hour high: $382.46

24 hour low: $371.49

24 hour volume: $166,121,970

Rank 18
Circulating Supply: 19,738,387
Total Supply: 21,000,000
Market Cap: $7,538,427,051
Diluted Market Cap: $8,020,258,438
All Time High $3,785.82
All Time High Date 20 Dec 2017
All Time Low $76.93
All Time Low Date 16 Dec 2018

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Bitcoin Cash [BCH] Top Markets

Here are some of the most actively traded Bitcoin Cash (BCH) pairs across various cryptocurrency markets, excluding data from Coinbase and Kraken:

Bitcoin Cash Markets

These trading pairs represent the popular markets where Bitcoin Cash is actively traded against other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. By exploring these trading pairs on different exchanges, you can engage in Bitcoin Cash trading and analyze price movements in the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

A Deep Dive into Bitcoin Cash: From Origins to Future Prospects

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has etched a significant mark on the cryptocurrency landscape since its inception in 2017. It was born from Bitcoin’s hard fork to address Bitcoin’s scalability issues, facilitating quicker transactions, and reducing costs. Today, it is considered a major digital asset among the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of Bitcoin Cash’s origin, distinct features, market performance, real-world applications, and future prospects.

The Genesis of Bitcoin Cash: A Fork in the Blockchain

Bitcoin Cash originated from a divide within the Bitcoin community concerning amplifying the network’s capacity to handle a higher volume of transactions. Bitcoin’s foundational design imposed a 1-megabyte (MB) limit on the size of blocks in the blockchain, which restricted transaction processing speed. This limitation resulted in extended transaction times and inflated fees due to growing competition to include transactions in the next block.

Two factions formed within the Bitcoin community with differing opinions on how to handle the issue. One group suggested enlarging the block size to facilitate more transactions per second, reducing transaction times and fees. This strategy, they claimed, aligned with Satoshi Nakamoto’s original blueprint for Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. The other faction, however, saw Bitcoin more as a store of value, similar to digital gold, and was worried that larger block sizes could lead to increased centralization.

The disagreement led to a hard fork on August 1, 2017, creating a new blockchain, Bitcoin Cash, with an 8MB block size limit. This increased capacity allowed Bitcoin Cash to handle significantly more transactions per second compared to Bitcoin, with lower fees, making it more suited for frequent transactions.

Decoding Bitcoin Cash: Key Technical Characteristics

Bitcoin Cash introduced several unique technical features since its inception that distinguish it from Bitcoin:

  1. Expanded Block Size: Bitcoin Cash amplified the block size from Bitcoin’s 1MB to 8MB initially, allowing more transactions to be processed per block. In 2018, this block size was expanded further to 32MB, significantly increasing the Bitcoin Cash network’s transaction capacity.
  2. Adjustable Difficulty Level: Bitcoin Cash implemented a new rule for adjusting difficulty. If fewer than six blocks were mined in the past 12 hours, the mining difficulty reduces by 20%. This adjustment was designed to attract more miners to the network and prevent potential ‘hash wars.’
  3. Replay and Wipeout Protection: After the hard fork, Bitcoin Cash introduced replay and wipeout protection. This feature prevents transactions on one chain from being re-transmitted on the other chain.
  4. New Transaction Type: Bitcoin Cash launched a new transaction type with features like input value signing and improved hardware wallet security.

Advantages of Larger Block Size: A Solution to Scalability

The primary point of divergence between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin is the size of the blocks on their respective blockchains. The decision to augment the block size was a direct response to Bitcoin’s scalability challenges. The larger block size offers several benefits:

  1. Quicker Transactions: The larger block size enables the Bitcoin Cash network to process more transactions per block, significantly accelerating the transaction verification process.
  2. Reduced Transaction Fees: More transactions can be accommodated by the Bitcoin Cash network, reducing competition among users to include their transactions in the next block, which results in lower transaction fees compared to Bitcoin.
  3. Scalability: The larger block size equips Bitcoin Cash with the ability to scale and manage considerable transaction loads as adoption increases, making it a practical, decentralized solution for everyday digital transactions.

Bitcoin Cash vs. Bitcoin: The Distinctions

Although Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin share the same roots, they have significantly diverged due to their differing philosophies and technical adaptations. The following comparative analysis reviews their transaction speed, cost, and scalability:

  • Block Size: BCH increased the block size to 8MB at its inception, which was further enlarged to 32MB in 2018, allowing for a significant increase in the number of transactions per block. BTC has maintained the original 1MB block size, limiting the number of transactions included in each block.
  • Transaction Speed: BCH’s larger block size allows more transactions to be processed swiftly, resulting in quicker confirmation times. BTC, with its smaller block size, can process fewer transactions per block, resulting in slower confirmation times, especially when the network is busy.
  • Transaction Cost: BCH’s larger block size reduces competition among users to get their transactions included in the next block, leading to lower transaction fees. Due to BTC’s limited block size, when the network is congested, users often have to pay higher transaction fees to prioritize their transactions.
  • Scalability: BCH’s increased block size enables it to handle a larger transaction volume, improving its scalability. BTC, although it remains the most widely adopted cryptocurrency, encounters scalability challenges due to its limited block size.
  • Focus: BCH is designed as a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system,” emphasizing its utility as a medium of exchange for everyday transactions. BTC is often described as “digital gold,” highlighting its role as a store of value rather than a medium of exchange.

Investing in Bitcoin Cash: A Review of Market Performance and Future Prospects

Since its launch in 2017, Bitcoin Cash has demonstrated significant market volatility, a common trait within the broader cryptocurrency market. It has witnessed quick price surges, investors sought alternatives to Bitcoin during periods of network congestion and high transaction fees. Despite fluctuations, Bitcoin Cash remains among the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

The future growth of Bitcoin Cash hinges on various factors, including technological innovation, regulatory developments, and market demand. With its focus on enabling quick and inexpensive transactions, Bitcoin Cash has a clear use case and potential for adoption, especially in contexts where low-cost transactions are necessary.

However, there are challenges that Bitcoin Cash must confront for this potential to be realized. While the larger block size allows for quicker and cheaper transactions, it may also lead to greater centralization. Moreover, Bitcoin Cash faces fierce competition from other cryptocurrencies aiming to be used for transactions. Regulatory considerations will also play a crucial role in Bitcoin Cash’s future.

Probing the Achilles’ Heel: Potential Weaknesses of Bitcoin Cash

While Bitcoin Cash has several commendable features that distinguish it in the world of cryptocurrencies, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced perspective by also acknowledging some potential weaknesses that could affect its future success and usability. Here are some noteworthy concerns:

  1. Centralization Risks

Although Bitcoin Cash’s larger block size enables more transactions per block and thus enhances scalability, it also brings with it risks associated with centralization. Larger blocks demand greater computational power to process, which can limit the number of miners capable of participating in the Bitcoin Cash network. This could inadvertently lead to a concentration of mining power in the hands of a few powerful entities, undermining the intended decentralized nature of the network. Such centralization could potentially make Bitcoin Cash more vulnerable to so-called “51% attacks,” where a single entity gains majority control of the network’s mining hashrate, threatening its security and integrity.

  1. Market Acceptance and Merchant Adoption

For any cryptocurrency aiming to serve as a global medium of exchange, widespread acceptance and adoption by merchants is a critical success factor. Despite its technological advantages over Bitcoin in terms of transaction speed and cost, Bitcoin Cash has lagged behind Bitcoin in this aspect. Bitcoin’s first-mover advantage and resulting recognition have given it a broader base of merchant acceptance. Although Bitcoin Cash has made strides in this direction, its relative newcomer status and lesser-known brand mean it still has considerable ground to cover to match Bitcoin’s merchant network.

  1. Community Fragmentation and Development Focus

Bitcoin Cash has been subject to several hard forks since its inception, leading to the creation of Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC, among others. Such fragmentation of the community could dilute development efforts and create confusion among users and investors. Maintaining a focused development roadmap and a unified community is critical for the success of any cryptocurrency, and Bitcoin Cash must navigate this challenge carefully.

  1. Competitive Landscape

The world of cryptocurrencies is becoming increasingly crowded and competitive. Bitcoin Cash is not only vying with Bitcoin but also with numerous other altcoins aiming to be a transactional currency. Cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, Dash, and newer entrants like Stellar and Ripple offer their unique solutions to the transaction speed and scalability issues. To maintain its position, Bitcoin Cash will need to continue to innovate, increase its adoption, and demonstrate unique value to users and investors.

  1. Regulatory Vulnerability

All cryptocurrencies face the challenge of regulatory vulnerability, and Bitcoin Cash is no exception. Regulatory policies concerning cryptocurrencies vary widely from one jurisdiction to another and are subject to change. Any adverse changes in regulatory frameworks, particularly in major economies, could impact the adoption, usability, and value of Bitcoin Cash.

Understanding these potential weaknesses does not detract from Bitcoin Cash’s strengths and potential but rather provides a more comprehensive view of this cryptocurrency. The ability of the Bitcoin Cash network to address these challenges effectively will be key to its continued success and growth.


Bitcoin Cash has been at the center of conversations surrounding cryptocurrency scalability. Its creation marked a significant divergence in the Bitcoin community, with each faction now pursuing its vision for what a cryptocurrency should be. While Bitcoin continues to function primarily as a store of value, Bitcoin Cash has positioned itself as a practical digital cash system.

Investors interested in Bitcoin Cash should take these factors into consideration and only invest what they can afford to lose. The cryptocurrency market, including Bitcoin Cash, remains highly volatile and unpredictable, necessitating thorough research before making any investment decisions.

Bitcoin Cash Questions and Answers

Who are the key figures behind Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin Cash was created by a team of developers, miners, and users in the Bitcoin community who disagreed with the proposed solutions to Bitcoin’s scalability issues. Notable figures include Jihan Wu and Roger Ver.

What is the ticker symbol for Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin Cash trades under the ticker symbol BCH.

How do you mine Bitcoin Cash?

Similar to Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash uses proof-of-work (PoW) mining. This process involves using computer hardware to solve complex mathematical problems to confirm transactions and add them to the blockchain.

Does Bitcoin Cash have a supply limit?

Yes, just like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash has a maximum supply limit of 21 million coins.

What is Bitcoin Cash ABC?

Bitcoin Cash ABC is a fork of Bitcoin Cash that occurred in November 2018, causing another split in the BCH community.

How is Bitcoin Cash different from Bitcoin SV?

Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV are different hard forks of the original Bitcoin. Bitcoin SV, or Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision, is more aligned towards restoring the original Bitcoin protocol, and it has even larger block sizes than Bitcoin Cash.

Can I use my Bitcoin wallet for Bitcoin Cash?

Technically, you could, as Bitcoin Cash addresses used to be formatted in the same way as Bitcoin addresses. However, after the fork, to avoid confusion and potential loss of funds, Bitcoin Cash introduced a new address format.

What does it mean when we say Bitcoin Cash has faster transaction times?

Due to its larger block size, Bitcoin Cash can process more transactions in each block compared to Bitcoin, which leads to faster overall transaction confirmation times.

Why is Bitcoin Cash cheaper to use than Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Cash’s larger block size allows it to process more transactions per block. As a result, users don’t have to compete as much to get their transactions into a block, which leads to lower transaction fees compared to Bitcoin.

What is the ‘difficulty adjustment’ in Bitcoin Cash?

The difficulty adjustment is a feature of the Bitcoin Cash mining algorithm that adjusts the difficulty of the mining problem based on how quickly blocks are being found. This helps keep block times consistent.

What online merchants accept Bitcoin Cash?

Numerous online merchants accept Bitcoin Cash. These include Microsoft, Namecheap, and various others. Some payment gateways, like BitPay, allow any merchant to accept Bitcoin Cash.

Where can I buy Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin Cash can be purchased on most major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken.

Where can I sell Bitcoin Cash?

You can sell Bitcoin Cash on the same exchanges where you can buy it. This includes Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken among others.

What wallets support Bitcoin Cash?

Various digital wallets support Bitcoin Cash, including hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor, as well as software wallets like Exodus and Bitcoin.com Wallet.

What block was Bitcoin Cash forked on?

Bitcoin Cash was created from a fork on block #478558 on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Has Bitcoin Cash undergone any subsequent forks?

Yes, Bitcoin Cash has gone through subsequent forks since its inception, the most notable ones being Bitcoin Cash ABC and Bitcoin SV.

What is the future roadmap of Bitcoin Cash?

The Bitcoin Cash roadmap involves scaling the network to support even more transactions, implementing new features such as smart contracts, and improving the payment security.

How is Bitcoin Cash’s security?

As a fork of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash benefits from the robustness of Bitcoin’s security. However, due to the smaller number of miners, it could theoretically be more susceptible to a 51% attack.

What is the transaction capacity of Bitcoin Cash?

The exact capacity can vary, but due to the larger block size of up to 32MB, Bitcoin Cash can handle over 100 transactions per second.

What is Bitcoin Cash’s stance on privacy?

Bitcoin Cash follows the same approach as Bitcoin, where all transactions are public but pseudonymous. However, future upgrades may introduce more privacy features.

What consensus mechanism does Bitcoin Cash use?

Bitcoin Cash uses the same consensus mechanism as Bitcoin, known as Proof of Work (PoW).

Is Bitcoin Cash deflationary like Bitcoin?

Yes, Bitcoin Cash follows the same deflationary model as Bitcoin, with halving events reducing the block rewards every 210,000 blocks.

What are ‘halving events’ in Bitcoin Cash?

A halving event in Bitcoin Cash is the same as in Bitcoin. It refers to the halving of the reward that miners receive for adding new blocks to the blockchain. This occurs approximately every four years.

What is the replay and wipeout protection in Bitcoin Cash?

Replay and wipeout protection were implemented during the Bitcoin Cash hard fork to prevent transactions from being duplicated across the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash networks, which could lead to a loss of funds.

Can Bitcoin Cash overtake Bitcoin?

This is largely speculative and depends on various factors, including user adoption, merchant acceptance, technological development, and regulatory measures. While Bitcoin Cash aims to be more functional for everyday transactions, Bitcoin’s larger user base, wider recognition, and market capitalization make it the dominant cryptocurrency for now.