Convert Bitcoin (BTC) to Indian Rupee (INR)

How much does bitcoin cost in India? CoinClaro’s Bitcoin to Indian Rupee currency converter is designed to give you real-time currency calculations for any input. You can change either Bitcoin quantity or Indian Rupee quantity to calculate the real-time exchange-rate value. See the price of bitcoin in India now:

The current price of one Bitcoin (BTC) is 5,734,503.51 Indian Rupee (INR). This price fluctuates due to Bitcoin price variation as well as cross-currency variations. The 30 day percent change for Bitcoin in Indian Rupee is 13.10% compared to the 30 day percent change of Bitcoin in US Dollar of 13.10%.

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Daily Bitcoin to Indian Rupee Conversion History

* Currency in INR
Historical Price for Bitcoin

Indian Rupee (INR) Macro Performance (3 year)

The Indian Rupee has depreciated against the US Dollar over the last 3 years. In January 2019, 1 Indian Rupee was worth approximately 0.014 US Dollars. As of July 2022, 1 Indian Rupee is worth approximately 0.013 US Dollars. This represents a decline of approximately 7% over the last 3 years.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the depreciation of the Indian Rupee. These include:

  • High inflation: India has been experiencing high inflation in recent years. In 2022, inflation is expected to reach 6.7%, which is the highest level in 6 years. This high inflation has eroded the value of the Indian Rupee.
  • Weak economic growth: India’s economic growth has been weak in recent years. In 2022, the economy is expected to grow by only 7.2%, which is the slowest pace of growth in 4 years. This weak economic growth has also contributed to the depreciation of the Indian Rupee.
  • Capital outflows: There have been significant capital outflows from India in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, including the high interest rates in the US and the uncertainty surrounding the Indian economy. These capital outflows have also contributed to the depreciation of the Indian Rupee.

It is unclear whether the Indian Rupee will continue to depreciate against the US Dollar in the future. However, the factors that have contributed to the depreciation of the Rupee in recent years are likely to continue to weigh on the currency.

In the past three years, exchanging the Indian Rupee for Bitcoin yielded substantial gains due to Bitcoin’s growth and the Rupee’s depreciation. Thus, the price of bitcoin in India has been on the rise. However, past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.

Bitcoin in India’s Legal Status

The legal status of Bitcoin in India is currently ambiguous. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a circular that effectively banned banks from providing services to cryptocurrency exchanges. However, the Supreme Court of India overturned the RBI’s circular in 2020, ruling that it was unconstitutional.

Since then, the Indian government has not issued any clear guidance on the legal status of Bitcoin. However, there have been a number of statements from government officials that suggest that Bitcoin is not illegal in India. In 2021, the Finance Minister of India said that the government was “not averse” to cryptocurrencies, and that it was considering regulating the industry.

In March 2023, the Indian government imposed anti-money laundering (AML) provisions on virtual digital assets (VDAs), which include cryptocurrencies. This means that VDA service providers will now be subject to the same AML regulations as banks and other financial institutions.

The imposition of AML provisions on VDA service providers is a significant step forward in the regulation of cryptocurrencies in India. However, it is still unclear what the long-term legal status of Bitcoin will be in India. It is possible that the government will eventually ban cryptocurrencies altogether, or that it will regulate them in a more comprehensive way.

For now, businesses and individuals who are involved in the cryptocurrency industry in India should exercise caution. They should make sure that they are aware of the latest regulations and that they are complying with them. They should also be aware of the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies.

Is bitcoin trading legal in India?

Yes, Bitcoin trading in India is legal. In 2020, the Supreme Court of India overturned the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) circular that effectively banned banks from providing services to cryptocurrency exchanges. This means that individuals and businesses are free to trade Bitcoin in India.

However, there are some regulations that you need to be aware of. In March 2023, the Indian government imposed anti-money laundering (AML) provisions on virtual digital assets (VDAs), which include cryptocurrencies. This means that VDA service providers will now be subject to the same AML regulations as banks and other financial institutions.

The imposition of AML provisions on VDA service providers is a significant step forward in the regulation of cryptocurrencies in India. However, it is still unclear what the long-term legal status of Bitcoin will be in India. It is possible that the government will eventually ban cryptocurrencies altogether, or that it will regulate them in a more comprehensive way.

If you are considering trading Bitcoin in India, it is important to be aware of the risks involved. You should also do your research and choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.

Here are some of the risks involved in trading Bitcoin in India:

  • Market volatility: The price of Bitcoin is volatile, which means that it can go up or down significantly in a short period of time. This can make it difficult to make profits, and it can also lead to losses.
  • Fraud: There have been a number of cases of fraud involving cryptocurrencies. This is why it is important to choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange and to be careful when making transactions.
  • Regulatory risk: The legal status of Bitcoin in India is still unclear. This means that there is a risk that the government could ban cryptocurrencies or impose stricter regulations.

If you are considering trading Bitcoin in India, it is important to be aware of the risks involved. You should also do your research and choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.

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