Convert Bitcoin (BTC) to United States Dollar (USD)

CoinClaro’s Bitcoin to United States Dollar currency converter is designed to give you real-time currency calculations for any input. You can change either Bitcoin quantity or United States Dollar quantity to calculate the real-time exchange-rate value.

The current price of one Bitcoin (BTC) is $ 60,573.00 United States Dollars (USD). This price fluctuates due to Bitcoin price variation as well as cross-currency variations. The 30 day percent change for Bitcoin in US Dollar is 2.98%.

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Daily Bitcoin to US Dollar Conversion History

* Currency in USD
Historical Price for Bitcoin

United States Dollar (USD) Macro Performance (3 year)

The US dollar has been relatively strong against global currencies over the last 3 years. According to Trading Economics, the US dollar index, which measures the value of the dollar against a basket of major currencies, has risen by about 10% since January 2019. This means that the dollar has become more expensive to buy in terms of other currencies.

The dollar’s strength has been driven by a number of factors, including:

  • The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy: The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates in recent years, which has made the dollar more attractive to investors.
  • The US economy: The US economy has been growing steadily in recent years, which has also supported the dollar.
  • Geopolitical uncertainty: Geopolitical uncertainty, such as the war in Ukraine, has also led investors to seek safety in the dollar.

The dollar’s strength has had a mixed impact on the US economy. On the one hand, it has made imports cheaper, which has helped to keep inflation in check. On the other hand, it has made exports more expensive, which has hurt some US businesses.

The dollar’s strength has also had an impact on global currencies. The euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound have all lost value against the dollar in recent years. This has made it more expensive for businesses and consumers in these countries to buy goods and services from the US.

Gold has also been relatively weak against the dollar over the last 3 years. According to Macrotrends, the price of gold has fallen by about 20% since January 2019. This means that the dollar has become more valuable in terms of gold.

The weakness of gold has been driven by a number of factors, including:

  • The rise of the US dollar: The strong dollar has made gold more expensive to buy in other currencies.
  • Low interest rates: Low interest rates have made other assets, such as stocks and bonds, more attractive to investors. While interest rates have risen greatly in recent times, the effect of low interest rates and ‘hope’ of a return to low interest rates is still having an effect.
  • The decline in global economic growth: The decline in global economic growth has led to a decrease in demand for gold.

The weakness of gold has had a mixed impact on the US economy. On the one hand, it has made gold less expensive for US consumers, which has helped to boost demand for the metal. On the other hand, it has also made it less profitable for US gold miners.

It is unclear whether the dollar’s strength and gold’s weakness will continue in the future. However, the factors that have driven these trends in recent years are likely to continue to be important in the years to come.

In the past three years, exchanging United States Dollars for Bitcoin yielded substantial gains due to Bitcoin’s growth. Compared to other currencies, the dollar has shown significant strength, proving to be a good hedge when timed well. But despite this, when compared to commodities, Bitcoin has proved to protect holders from inflation better than US dollars. Please note that past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.