Global Market Exchange LogoGMX

Current Price

$ 29.48

24 hour change: -0.70%

24 hour high: $30.94

24 hour low: $29.02

24 hour volume: $32,940,291

Rank 220
Circulating Supply: 9,590,585
Total Supply: 9,590,585
Market Cap: $283,339,070
Diluted Market Cap: $283,339,070
All Time High $91.07
All Time High Date 18 Apr 2023
All Time Low $11.53
All Time Low Date 15 Jun 2022

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GMX Top Markets

Here are some of the most actively traded GMX pairs across various cryptocurrency markets, excluding data from Coinbase and Kraken:

GMX Markets

These trading pairs represent the popular markets where GMX is actively traded against other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. By exploring these trading pairs on different exchanges, you can engage in GMX trading and analyze price movements in the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.


GMX (GMX.IO) is a decentralized perpetual exchange on the Arbitrum Network to offer fast and cheap transactions. GMX allows users to trade a variety of cryptocurrencies and derivatives.

The GMX token is the native token of the GMX platform. It is used to participate in governance and earn rewards. GMX tokens can be bought and sold on exchanges, including Uniswap and SushiSwap.

GMX is a relatively new platform but has already grown significantly. In the past year, the total value locked (TVL) on GMX has increased by over 1,000%. This growth is partly due to the platform’s low fees and fast transactions.

GMX is a promising project that can potentially become a significant player in the DeFi ecosystem. The platform’s use of Arbitrum makes it one of the most scalable and secure decentralized exchanges available. As the DeFi ecosystem continues to grow, GMX is well-positioned to capture a significant share of the market.

Here are some of the critical features of GMX:

  • Fast and cheap transactions: GMX avoids the hefty fees of mainnet Ethereum via the layer 2 Arbitrum Network. This makes it a good choice for traders who want to trade large amounts of assets without paying high fees – without using a centralized exchange.
  • Wide range of assets: GMX allows users to trade a wide range of assets with more in the works. You can trade ETH, WBTC, UNI, and LINK on GMX.
  • Governance: GMX is a decentralized platform, meaning users have a say in how the platform is run. This is done through the GMX token, which allows users to vote on proposals that affect the platform.
  • Rewards: GMX users can earn rewards by participating in the platform’s ecosystem. This can be done by staking GMX tokens, providing liquidity (GLP), or trading on the platform.

GMX is a promising decentralized exchange offering several advantages over traditional exchanges. It is fast, cheap, secure, and user-friendly. As the DeFi ecosystem continues to grow, GMX is well-positioned to become a significant player in the market.

Positioning of in the Current DeFi Landscape

In the rapidly evolving world of DeFi leverage trading, stands tall, distinguishing itself with several competitive advantages over other prominent platforms. To provide a clear picture of’s positioning, we compare it to five leading competitors: dYdX, Aave, Fulcrum, and Synthetix across a spectrum of key features.

Feature dYdX Aave Fulcrum Synthetix
Fees Very Low Low Low Medium High
Transaction Speed Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow
Range of Assets Wide Wide Limited Limited Limited
Governance Decentralized Decentralized Decentralized Centralized Centralized
Rewards Yes Yes Yes No No
Security Good Good Good Good Good
Liquidity High High High Medium Low
User Interface Good Good Good Bad Bad

This comparison shows that excels in several areas, notably its low fees, quick transaction speeds, diverse assets, and high liquidity. It’s also worth noting that, unlike Fulcrum and Synthetix, operates under a decentralized governance model and offers users rewards, bolsters its appeal.

Delving Deeper: Versus the Competition

dYdX: As a well-established platform in the DeFi space, dYdX boasts a large user base and provides a range of features, including margin and isolated margin trading, as well as stop-loss orders. Nevertheless, DYDX requires asset deposits, while GMX does not.

Aave: Known for its lending services, Aave offers flash loans and collateralized debt positions (CDPs). However, it does not have a gamified perpetual trading system like’s UI.

Fulcrum: Fulcrum may be a newer entrant, but it’s rapidly gaining popularity. It offers margin and isolated margin trading along with stop-loss orders. Yet, outperforms Fulcrum regarding lower fees, faster transaction speed, and superior liquidity.

Synthetix: Synthetix is unique in offering trading of synthetic assets, allowing users to gain exposure to various real-world assets. However, the platform lags behind regarding fees, transaction speed, and liquidity.

While shows promise with its competitive edge, it’s crucial to remember that the DeFi leverage trading arena is still evolving, with the potential for new contenders to reshape the landscape. Therefore, traders should remain vigilant, continuously assessing the platforms as they grow and develop.

What is A Deep Dive into the Decentralized Trading Platform

At its core, is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that caters to the evolving needs of digital asset traders. It has been making waves in the burgeoning field of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) due to its unique features and commitment to facilitating a user-centric trading experience. Let’s delve deeper to understand what is and why it’s turning heads in the crypto landscape.

A. What is is a cutting-edge DeFi platform that facilitates decentralized leverage trading of digital assets. Powered by smart contracts, allows traders to exchange investments directly from their wallets, bypassing the need for intermediaries or centralized entities.

One of the most significant advantages of lies in its potential to offer seamless trading experiences. has effectively established a transparent and efficient platform by leveraging blockchain technology’s decentralized nature. This facilitates quicker transaction times, lower fees, and a secure environment, enhancing overall trading efficacy.

B. Unique Selling Points of isn’t just another decentralized exchange — it brings a unique blend of features to the table, most of which are tailored to meet the needs of cryptocurrency traders. Let’s explore these unique selling points:

1. Low Fees: distinguishes itself from other DeFi platforms by charging meager fees. This can be a game-changer for traders, especially those engaged in high-volume or high-frequency trading, as it can significantly increase net profitability.

2. Range of Assets: offers a broader range of assets than many competitors, catering to mainstream and niche traders. This variety allows traders to diversify their portfolios and explore unique trading opportunities within a single platform.

3. Speedy Transactions: Speed is critical in the fast-paced world of crypto trading. provides fast transaction speeds, enabling traders to capitalize on market opportunities more effectively.

4. Decentralized Governance: Unlike some platforms that operate under a centralized governance model, is fully decentralized. This means that decisions about the platform’s future are made collectively by token holders, aligning with the principles of decentralization and democratization.

5. High Liquidity: Liquidity is a critical factor in trading, affecting the ease and cost at which assets can be bought or sold. boasts high liquidity, reducing slippage and ensuring smoother and more efficient trades.

6. User Rewards: incentivizes user participation through rewards, fostering an active and vibrant trading community. This enhances user experience and contributes to the platform’s overall liquidity., with its blend of unique selling points and commitment to harnessing the power of DeFi, offers a compelling proposition for cryptocurrency traders. Its user-centric approach and constant drive for innovation make it a platform to watch in the ever-evolving DeFi landscape.

GMX.IO Liquidity and Tokenomics Opportunities

GMX has always been a lucrative decentralized exchange with its high-leverage trading. However, a whole other side of the business is available to all. That is the liquidity and governance tokenomics of GMX.

GMX employs three classes of tokens on the exchange with different purposes each.

  1. GMX: The principle governance token of the exchange. Holding and staking GMX entitles a percentage of exchange fees, accumulation of esGMX, which acts to multiply GMX earnings, and governance participation.
  2. GLP: GLP is the original liquidity token representing one’s stake in the liquidity pot of assets. Now that GMX has upgraded to GMX V2, GLP remains, but we have further isolated liquidity pools.
  3. GM Pools: Isolated liquidity pools that earn a yield on respective pairs.

It is essential to understand that all but GMX pose the risk of impermanent loss at any given time if traders out-perform the exchange. Though, over time, the exchange has always won.

Due to this, a good GMX staking portfolio would be wise to include an array of investments across GMX, GLP, and the GM Pools for a good balance of risk/reward.